Government & Legislative Affairs Committee: Gary Straight, Committee Chair
The Government & Legislative Affairs Committee is the voice for all Camden County's businesses. The committee focuses on gathering knowledge & educating government and elected officials on issues that will affect small businesses at the local, state and federal levels. This committee provides direction and leadership when advocating on behalf of the business community. This committee attends City Council, County Commission, Board of Education, and Georgia Chamber of Commerce meetings and events. Additionally, various methods, such as gathering member concerns, are used to find information relevant to issues affecting or impacting our community. For more information concerning the Government & Legislative Affairs committee, contact the Chamber office.
The mission of the Government & Legislative Affairs Committee:
Monitor, report and comment on issues effecting local business within the cities of Camden County and the State of Georgia.
Develop and maintain strong relationships with local city governments, county commissioners, the local and regional development authorities and the Camden Partnership.
Develop and maintain strong working relationships with state agencies, to include but not limited to: DCA, DOT, DNR, DOL and GDEcD.
Partner with local governments, and the Camden Partnership to manage the process and reason of the community Fly-ins. Coordinate issues and white paper development. Facilitate the trip & events on behalf of the community.
Assume lead role in any and all special initiatives effecting Chamber Membership as it pertains to economic growth, job creation, community wealth and the well-being of the Membership.
Government and Legislative Affairs Chairman
Jim Lomis